Postponing Kickstarter campaign for ELON MUSK AND HIS SWEATSHOP ON MARS

I devoted the past month to preparing a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for “Elon Musk and his Sweatshop on Mars.” II put together a pretty nifty campaign page and reward levels and trailer. I was just about to launch it when I reconsidered and stepped back.

I had watched a lot of videos about how to run a successful KS campaign. They ALL said to gather online followers before starting. I thought Sweatshop was so brilliant that it would succeed just by attracting Kickstarter regulars.

But why should I handicap my campaign by not giving it the best chance to succeed? There is really no hurry other than Elon’s and my mortality, and I feel pretty healthy.

So I am changing direction for a while. The most important step I took is setting up a home for my comics– I set up a mailing list. Please subscribe!

I started posting on Instagram again. I’m started posting my comics to a couple of the biggest comic-hosting sites: Webtoon and GlobalComics. I’ve started posting on Xitter. It’s fun posting on Musk’s playground under the name “Graphic Novel: Elon Musk & his Sweatshop on Mars”. I will persist in trying to get him to notice one of my tweets.

One video I watched about promoting comics advocated taking your comic to local indie comic shops and talking to the owner about leaving them on consignment. That sounds fun.

Learning a lot about the indie comic business.

Here’s the trailer.

Wish me luck!

And please join my mailing list.